Medications to Avoid

Dogs and cats can't metabolise many of the drugs which we routinely take for ourselves. Panadol and many aspirin containing drugs can be fatal, even in small doses. Ibuprofen and other newer pain killers can cause gastric ulceration or kidney failure.

Never attempt to diagnose or treat your pet yourself - telephone us for advice on 9752 3555 during business hours or the Animal Poisons Hotline on 1300 869 738 (24/7) or the Animal Emergency Centre on 1300 232 838 (24/7) or the Melbourne Animal Specialist Hospital on 1800 838 787 (24/7).


Foods to Avoid

1. Chocolate - contains a caffeine-like substance, theobromide, which causes pets to vomit, suffer diarrhoea and excessive urination, and become hyperactive. This can be followed by depression, coma, seizures and death.

2. Onions / Garlic - moderate to large amounts cause internal bleeding, which may need to be treated by blood transfusion.

3. Fatty Food - moderate to excessive amounts of fatty or rancid food can lead to gastroenteritis (vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain) or pancreatitis - a very painful condition requiring hospitalization which can be fatal.


Plants to Avoid

- Aloe Vera - causes diarrhoea and bloody urine

- Amaryllis - leads to vomiting

- Asparagus fern - can cause allergic dermatitis

- Autumn Crocus - leaves poisonous - cause vomiting and nervous stimulation

- Azalia (Rhododendron occidentales) - all parts poisonous - cause central  nervous system depression and cardiovascular collapse

- Bird of Paradise - fruit and seeds poisonous - cause gastrointestinal disorders and vertigo

- Bracken Fern - causes a potentially lethal leukemia

- Bunchberry (Lantana) - berries poisonous

- Chysanthemum - causes a rash if dogs and cats rub against it.

- Cyclamen - causes vomiting, gastrointestinal problems and even death.

- Daffodil - bulbs poisonous - cause vomiting, cardiac arrhythmias and convulsions.

- Dumb Can - oral irritation can lead to suffocation

- English Ivy (Hedera helix) - berries and plant leaves poisonous

- Hibiscus - can cause gastrointestinal problems

- Holly - can cause vomiting and diarrhoea or nervous system depression

- Hydrangea - buds and leaves poisonous

- Hyacinth - flowers, leaves and bulbs contain traces of cyanide

- Lilies (tiger, easter, day, Japanese show lily, rum rub lily) - leaves and flowers poisonous. Lily of the Valley leads to heart failure; Easter Lily causes kidney failure.

- Mistletoe - causes cardiac problems

- Morning Glory - causes depression or hypoactivity

- Nightshade - contains solanine, which causes salivation, gastrointestinal upsets and depression.

- Oleander - all parts, including dead leaves, extremely toxic cardiac poison.

- Philodendron - contains calcium oxalate crystals which cause oral and gastrointestinal irritation

- Poinsettia - leaves and stem poisonous - cause irritation to the mouth, stomach and heart

- Tobacco - leaves cause nervous stimulation

- Tulip - bulbs poisonous

- Wisteria - pods and seeds poisonous

- Wandering jew - causes a contact rash which is extremely itchy.

Fruits & Vegetables to Avoid

- Apricots - stem, bark and seeds poisonous

- Avocado - fruit poisonous - cause vomiting, diarrhoea and possibly death.

- Eggplant - causes vomiting

- Fruit & Nut trees - traces of cyanide are found in the stems and leaves of apple, almond, cherry and peach trees.

- Mushrooms - cause vomiting

- Onions - large amounts can cause a lethal anaemia.

- Peaches - seed pit and leaves poisonous

- Potatoes - may cause vomiting

- Rhubarb - leaves poisonous and can kill dogs.

- Sweet pea - seeds and pod poisonous

- Tomato - contains solanine - causes salivation, gastrointestinal upsets and depression.

